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Samsung Galaxy SIV Rumors, will be available in April 2013

Started by Mobile Fun, November 22, 2012, 02:39:13 AM

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Mobile Fun

Much is being gossiped about the upcoming launch of Samsung Galaxy S lV, but nothing is yet authentic until some significant proofs reveals off about the rumors. One rousing rumor is about the 13 MP of Samsung Galaxy SlV camera. People are finding it hard to believe on the stated camera pixels as contrary to the rumors about galaxy note ll, it also landed with lesser inbuilt pixels. Moreover 'plus' word is absent from the displayed model name, due to which launch of a pen tile screen is being predicted of.

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Mobile Fun

I heared that Samsung Galaxy S IV appearing in April with an unbreakable screen. It is as simple to understand that big company like Samsung will give some extraordinary fantastic features in their galaxy S IV as they always promise us to deliver something new, extraordinary and fantastic!


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