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Messages - nVd

Funny Pictures / Re: Funny Pictures
December 25, 2012, 07:47:28 PM
Funny SMS / Re: joke
December 05, 2012, 05:38:35 AM
@Admin team... A nice thread to increase post and have easy load? ;)
They do need money and they need R&D and above all they must put their EGO aside now and join Android Team, I wonder if they had done it after the time of N8, where should be Samsung then? Obviously a smart move placed Samsung to be the world leading mobile company (though they were already a big electronics company) while a lot of dumb (Yes a LOT OF- I can write a list) moves lead Nokia to sell their homeland...
Funny Pictures / Re: Funny Pictures
December 04, 2012, 05:44:39 PM
Nokia Mobiles / Nokia to Sell its Head Quarter in Finland
December 04, 2012, 05:14:32 PM
The things are being worse for Nokia and all Nokia lovers (if they are regular in news) knows- It was going to happen someday... It's almost 2 years now that Titanic is sinking day by day.....

And here is what I just found to be the most shocking news of the year....

Nokia is planning to Sell out its Head Quarter in Finland, no matter even if they still stays in that building on rent :S

here is the source
Funny Pictures / Re: Funny Pictures
November 15, 2012, 02:46:14 AM
HTC Mobiles / Re: HTC Droid DNA
November 14, 2012, 03:18:11 AM
Ohh I just missed one thing, here are the benchmarks reports of Droid DNA and I'll like to repeat myself that this performance is while running a monster screen i.e. 1080p with 440 Pixel per Inch Density :)
Funny Pictures / Re: Funny Pictures
November 14, 2012, 03:10:32 AM
HTC Mobiles / Re: HTC Droid DNA
November 14, 2012, 02:55:13 AM
I was worried about its performance- to give a display of 1080p is not easy for a Intel Core i3 Desktop/Laptop PC sometimes (even on a lesser PPI Screen), but honestly HTC managed it very well with Quad Core Krait Processor to run a 1080p Screen with a 440 PPI while the runner up is Sony Xperia Series like Xperia S with 342 PPI- and keeping in mind that Apple iPhone is also offering almost 110 PPI lesser than Droid DNA.

Another big thing that they are offering two different amplifiers to handle sound via handsfree jack or loudspeaker. That sounds great with Audio Beats :) Welcome Back hTc after a long time....
@Arslan Anjum- again, will you please share the source? It is always better to tell us the source so we can judge the authenticity of the said news. By the way for last 2 years we are listening about this 3G and 4G, LTE things :)
That's really a great news then, and thanks for the correction :) It is first time (at least in my knowledge you can say) and reason may be the only one, they released Android 4.2 after 4.1 (Jelly Bean) but did not renamed it. Android 4.2 will also called as Jelly Bean just like 4.1 was Jelly Bean...

Anyhow thanks for the link.
Funny SMS / Re: joke
November 12, 2012, 03:58:12 AM
I'm afraid, this is a mobile related forum :D
@ Arslan Anjum- I guess I've already asked the source, so please share the link....
Funny Pictures / Re: Funny Pictures
November 12, 2012, 03:28:59 AM
Funny Pictures / Re: Funny Pictures
November 12, 2012, 03:17:05 AM
Ae lo fir Enjoy... Arabic hay but samajhnay walay samajh jayengay :D

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