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Mobilink to be first 3G network in Pakistan

Started by Arslan Anjum, November 13, 2012, 08:02:52 AM

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Arslan Anjum

Mobilink has recently signed Huawei and ALU to start setting up 3G services in Pakistan. Mobilink has also confirmed that its assigning task of maintaining latest next-generation equipment and services to Huawei and ALU for next 5 years. It also confirms the fact that when Mobilink bids for 3G license, its services will go on air soon. This news is a massive win for the two vendors as they will be responsible for complete running of Mobilink's network. This project involves renovation, planning and optimization of 2G network, technical introduction of 3G, backhaul services, transmission planning and optimization, power solutions and managed services.
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Mariya Abro

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@Arslan Anjum- again, will you please share the source? It is always better to tell us the source so we can judge the authenticity of the said news. By the way for last 2 years we are listening about this 3G and 4G, LTE things :)

Arslan Anjum

@Arslan Anjum- again, will you please share the source? It is always better to tell us the source so we can judge the authenticity of the said news. By the way for last 2 years we are listening about this 3G and 4G, LTE things :)

Source is Mobilink Telecom itself. Some officials of Mobilink have confirmed this news.
Be respectful to others to be respectable.

Mobile Fun

Source is Mobilink Telecom itself. Some officials of Mobilink have confirmed this news.

If you read this news online, you can give reference in this format: (supposed you read at mobile fun) Mobile Fun dot Com

Arslan Anjum

@Arslan Anjum- again, will you please share the source? It is always better to tell us the source so we can judge the authenticity of the said news. By the way for last 2 years we are listening about this 3G and 4G, LTE things :)

Dear member you can also confirm authenticity of the news as on "propakistani dot pk"
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