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Started by Mariya Abro, November 27, 2012, 02:35:34 PM

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Mariya Abro

1:Ufone GPRS/EDGE Settings for Android Phones

Follow the steps below to get GPRS/EDGE working on your Android phone!
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks >Access Point Names.
Press the 'Menu' key and select "New APN".
Now use the following settings:
Name: Ufone Internet (anything you like)
APN: ufone.internet
MCC: 410 (should be there by default)
MNC: 01 (use whatever is there by default)
You can leave all the other fields blank as they are and save these settings.

2:Mobilink GPRS/EDGE Settings for Android Phones

Follow the steps below to get your GPRS/EDGE working on your Android phone!
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks >Access Point Names.
Press the 'Menu' key and select "New APN".
Now use the following settings:
Name: Mobilink (anything you like)
MCC: 410 (should be there by default)
MNC: 01 (use whatever is there by default)

3:Telenor GPRS/EDGE Settings for Android Phones

follow the steps below to enable Telenor GPRS/EDGE on your Android phones:
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks >Access Point Names.
Press the 'Menu' key and select "New APN".
Now use the following settings:
Name: Telenor (anything you like)
APN: internet
Port: 0 (or 8080)
Username: Telenor (case-sensitive)
Password: Telenor (case-sensitive)
MCC: 410 (should be there by default)
MNC: 06 (use whatever is there by default)

ALLAH is always with me :)

Samira Sheikh

1:Ufone GPRS/EDGE Settings for Android Phones

Follow the steps below to get GPRS/EDGE working on your Android phone!
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks >Access Point Names.
Press the 'Menu' key and select "New APN".
Now use the following settings:
Name: Ufone Internet (anything you like)
APN: ufone.internet
MCC: 410 (should be there by default)
MNC: 01 (use whatever is there by default)
You can leave all the other fields blank as they are and save these settings.

2:Mobilink GPRS/EDGE Settings for Android Phones

Follow the steps below to get your GPRS/EDGE working on your Android phone!
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks >Access Point Names.
Press the 'Menu' key and select "New APN".
Now use the following settings:
Name: Mobilink (anything you like)
MCC: 410 (should be there by default)
MNC: 01 (use whatever is there by default)

3:Telenor GPRS/EDGE Settings for Android Phones

follow the steps below to enable Telenor GPRS/EDGE on your Android phones:
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks >Access Point Names.
Press the 'Menu' key and select "New APN".
Now use the following settings:
Name: Telenor (anything you like)
APN: internet
Port: 0 (or 8080)
Username: Telenor (case-sensitive)
Password: Telenor (case-sensitive)
MCC: 410 (should be there by default)
MNC: 06 (use whatever is there by default)

thanks for sharing

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