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Nokia to Sell its Head Quarter in Finland

Started by nVd, December 04, 2012, 05:14:32 PM

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The things are being worse for Nokia and all Nokia lovers (if they are regular in news) knows- It was going to happen someday... It's almost 2 years now that Titanic is sinking day by day.....

And here is what I just found to be the most shocking news of the year....

Nokia is planning to Sell out its Head Quarter in Finland, no matter even if they still stays in that building on rent :S

here is the source


i had an idea that nokia is in big trouble, but not expecting this that they will sell their head quarter. its shocking and really unexpected. it eans that nokia badly needs money and they are unable to find investors that is why they had no other option but to sell their 'home'


They do need money and they need R&D and above all they must put their EGO aside now and join Android Team, I wonder if they had done it after the time of N8, where should be Samsung then? Obviously a smart move placed Samsung to be the world leading mobile company (though they were already a big electronics company) while a lot of dumb (Yes a LOT OF- I can write a list) moves lead Nokia to sell their homeland...

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