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Damian Dinning (Image Expert, Head of Camera and Image Depart.) leaves Nokia

Started by Mobile Fun, November 26, 2012, 11:52:31 PM

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Mobile Fun

Damian Dining, the head of Camera and picture making division at Nokia, has preferred to depart from the corporation by November 30, 2012. This decision was a hard blow to the Finnish producer as when Dining had formerly linked with Nokia in the year 2004, he was much qualified in the field of Camera and Photography. He is supposed to link with Jaguar Land Rover after departuring Nokia.

Arslan Anjum

Damian Dining, the head of Camera and picture making division at Nokia, has preferred to depart from the corporation by November 30, 2012. This decision was a hard blow to the Finnish producer as when Dining had formerly linked with Nokia in the year 2004, he was much qualified in the field of Camera and Photography. He is supposed to link with Jaguar Land Rover after departuring Nokia.

Oh no. Another bad thing for Nokia Corp. I think Nokia Corp. will be soon merged with some other manufacturer like Samsung or Apple.
Be respectful to others to be respectable.

Mariya Abro

well i dnt know abt this :)what happen with this he is leaving nokia corp?
ALLAH is always with me :)

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