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MicroSD card is locked, I know the password, but computer not detecting it.

Started by safdar, August 30, 2013, 10:43:13 PM

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I am using 8 GB micro SD card in my nokia mobile. I have applied the lock code on it. I know the code and I tried to use the card in another mobile. But that mobile did't detect the card. Than I put my card back in my mobile, removed the password and used that in other mobile.

After that I have put it back in my own Nokia mobile and applied the password again.

Two days back, I sell my mobile on a shop and take out my memory card. But I did't remove the password. Now I am trying to use that on other mobiles, but mobile do't detect the card. I have tried to use it on my laptop, it also don't detect the card.

Kindly tell me how can I detect the card on anyother device, mobile or laptop?? Once card is detected, I can remove the password.

Mobile Fun

Which mobile you have used to set password.

I would recommend you to use some nokia's Symbian phone. Symbian phone will detect your memory card and will ask for password. If you remember you password, first unlock the micro SD card and than open memory card, click on options, memory options, memory card password, remove password. Enter your password again and password will be removed from your card. Now you can use your card in any other device.

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