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My Intro

Started by Abdullahaslam, November 07, 2012, 12:02:30 PM

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My name is Abdullah. I am going to Doctor of Veternary Medicine in few years InshAllah. Currently I am in 5th smester/10 smesters. i am currently living in Multan. My hobbies are Cricket, football, tennis,history books, chatting, new scientific discoveries and innovations, making frinds

Samira Sheikh

Welcome to Mobile Fun Forum

Pari Fiza

Arslan Anjum

My name is Abdullah. I am going to Doctor of Veternary Medicine in few years InshAllah. Currently I am in 5th smester/10 smesters. i am currently living in Multan. My hobbies are Cricket, football, tennis,history books, chatting, new scientific discoveries and innovations, making frinds

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My name is Abdullah. I am going to Doctor of Veternary Medicine in few years InshAllah. Currently I am in 5th smester/10 smesters. i am currently living in Multan. My hobbies are Cricket, football, tennis,history books, chatting, new scientific discoveries and innovations, making frinds

welcome brother did you join the mobile fun fb page??

Arslan Anjum

welcome frnd

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