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Samsung Funny Pic for Apple

Started by Mobile Fun, October 22, 2012, 07:41:27 PM

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hahaha veryy funny pic samsung glaxy and iphone
but now a days compitition is in both but they are very usable
i like glaxy

Samira Sheikh

larkiyan tu asman sar per utha laiti hain ... iphone  larkiyon k liye is liye kaha hai woh set buhat bara nahi hai


yar ladka ho ya ladki sab log sab set use karte he

Samira Sheikh

Saleem sahib ne bilkul se ek naye baat bataye hai


salam sahib ne bilkul se ek naye baat bataye hai

ha ha ha ha....

Samira Sheikh

sorry saleem likhna tha salam likh dia  :-[

Arslan Anjum

To all,
Cellphones are not made by companies on gender basis. So anyone can use any cellphone. There is not concept of a specific gender and specific handset. So just be smart with smartphones.  8)
Be respectful to others to be respectable.


agreed brother arslan there is no any distributions for mobile with genders any 1 any can any use the mobile

Mobile Fun

To all,
Cellphones are not made by companies on gender basis. So anyone can use any cellphone. There is not concept of a specific gender and specific handset. So just be smart with smartphones.  8)

What about "She Mobile" by Qmobile????    ;) :P

Arslan Anjum

To all,
Cellphones are not made by companies on gender basis. So anyone can use any cellphone. There is not concept of a specific gender and specific handset. So just be smart with smartphones.  8)

What about "She Mobile" by Qmobile????    ;) :P

hahaha I forgot that handset .... To all, all guys are irrespective of gender. Except "She Mobile" by Qmobile. :D ;D
Be respectful to others to be respectable.

Samira Sheikh

To all,
Cellphones are not made by companies on gender basis. So anyone can use any cellphone. There is not concept of a specific gender and specific handset. So just be smart with smartphones.  8)

What about "She Mobile" by Qmobile????    ;) :P

hahaha I forgot that handset .... To all, all guys are irrespective of gender. Except "She Mobile" by Qmobile. :D ;D

She Mobile bhi hai  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


lagta ha admin she mobile use karte han. inko yad he :) :)  8)

Arslan Anjum

lagta ha admin she mobile use karte han. inko yad he :) :)  8)

Its not necessary to discuss only those mobile that we use. ;)
Be respectful to others to be respectable.


sorry saleem likhna tha salam likh dia  :-[

me bhi kahaooo nam reply to mujhe he but ye bech me salamm kahan se aagaya

Samira Sheikh

sorry saleem likhna tha salam likh dia  :-[

me bhi kahaooo nam reply to mujhe he but ye bech me salamm kahan se aagaya

ghalati hogaye thi na, sorry bola tu hai

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