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Samsung Funny Pic for Apple

Started by Mobile Fun, October 22, 2012, 07:41:27 PM

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Mobile Fun

Lols.... Amazing ad by Samsung :)


Abdul Mueed

Not easy to compete with Apple now .... Samsung  ;)

Arslan Anjum

Lols.... Apple can never win this battle of smartphones from Samsung. Because Samsung has become a very big giant in era of smartphones. Apple is far behind Samsung. :)
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Mobile Fun

Lols.... Apple can never win this battle of smartphones from Samsung. Because Samsung has become a very big giant in era of smartphones. Apple is far behind Samsung. :)

But if you analyse, Apple is not in a mood to compete with samsung or anyone else. If they want to compete they can easily provide few extra features and outclass the Samsung or anyother brand. They launch only one model in complete 12 months where as samsung gives many mobiles. Then only apple have courage to launch a new model without any new features  :P (lolz......) even then they have very good sale. They know how to create hype.

By providing only increased size of screen and failed apple maps, they increased there sale almost twice than before.  So what I think, they are not in a mood to compete with samsung or anything else. They know that they are the no. 1 brand name of the world

Arslan Anjum

Lols.... Apple can never win this battle of smartphones from Samsung. Because Samsung has become a very big giant in era of smartphones. Apple is far behind Samsung. :)

But if you analyse, Apple is not in a mood to compete with samsung or anyone else. If they want to compete they can easily provide few extra features and outclass the Samsung or anyother brand. They launch only one model in complete 12 months where as samsung gives many mobiles. Then only apple have courage to launch a new model without any new features  :P (lolz......) even then they have very good sale. They know how to create hype.

By providing only increased size of screen and failed apple maps, they increased there sale almost twice than before.  So what I think, they are not in a mood to compete with samsung or anything else. They know that they are the no. 1 brand name of the world

Yes I agree with you. Apple is still at number one. Even they are not introducing so many innovative phones as well as features in their phones still they are earning alot more than Samsung. Whereas Samsung is launching many smartphones almost every month since they are unable to compete with Apple. Apple is a real market leader. :)
Be respectful to others to be respectable.

Abdul Mueed

Lols.... Apple can never win this battle of smartphones from Samsung. Because Samsung has become a very big giant in era of smartphones. Apple is far behind Samsung. :)

But if you analyse, Apple is not in a mood to compete with samsung or anyone else. If they want to compete they can easily provide few extra features and outclass the Samsung or anyother brand. They launch only one model in complete 12 months where as samsung gives many mobiles. Then only apple have courage to launch a new model without any new features  :P (lolz......) even then they have very good sale. They know how to create hype.

By providing only increased size of screen and failed apple maps, they increased there sale almost twice than before.  So what I think, they are not in a mood to compete with samsung or anything else. They know that they are the no. 1 brand name of the world
So true..Apple has good sale...


Samira Sheikh

Iphone larkiyon k liye hai aur samsung galaxy larkon k liye  ;D

Pari Fiza

nahi galaxy girls k lye he or iphone boys k lye


na ham apple le sakte han na iphone. ham ny jo lena ta le lea. htc wildfire s

Arslan Anjum

I think HTC is best brand among mobile phone manufacturers.
Be respectful to others to be respectable.

Samira Sheikh

maine is liye iphone larkiyon k liye hai aur samsung galaxy larkon k liye kaha hai q k samsung galaxy buhat huge hai as compare to iphone, larkiyon k nazuq hathon mai itni huge cheez achi nahi lagti na

Arslan Anjum

maine is liye iphone larkiyon k liye hai aur samsung galaxy larkon k liye kaha hai q k samsung galaxy buhat huge hai as compare to iphone, larkiyon k nazuq hathon mai itni huge cheez achi nahi lagti na

Dear Samira Sheikh, Now it has become a trend to keep mobiles with a big display and concept to keep low resolution phones has almost been outdated. :)
Be respectful to others to be respectable.


maine is liye iphone larkiyon k liye hai aur samsung galaxy larkon k liye kaha hai q k samsung galaxy buhat huge hai as compare to iphone, larkiyon k nazuq hathon mai itni huge cheez achi nahi lagti na

itne be nazuq hat ne hote larkion ke. k wo gs3 na utha sakan

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