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Blackberry 10 OS

Started by Arslan Anjum, October 26, 2012, 11:42:48 AM

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Arslan Anjum

Blackberry has announced a new OS 10 for its smartphones which will be available as an upgrade for few of its smartphones in mid November.
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Mobile Fun

Good to hear, any idea what will be the new features in new OS version?

Arslan Anjum

Good to hear, any idea what will be the new features in new OS version?

It will be a new touch-screen user interface. BlackBerry 10 super phone features include predictive text bezel gestures, window FLOW and swipe support. BB 10 is supposed to be more user friendly as well as developer friendly as compared to previous versions of the BB OS.
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Good to hear, any idea what will be the new features in new OS version?

It will be a new touch-screen user interface. BlackBerry 10 super phone features include predictive text bezel gestures, window FLOW and swipe support. BB 10 is supposed to be more user friendly as well as developer friendly as compared to previous versions of the BB OS.

good to know
you r intrested in mobiles or find for uploading the posts ??

Arslan Anjum

Good to hear, any idea what will be the new features in new OS version?

It will be a new touch-screen user interface. BlackBerry 10 super phone features include predictive text bezel gestures, window FLOW and swipe support. BB 10 is supposed to be more user friendly as well as developer friendly as compared to previous versions of the BB OS.

good to know
you r intrested in mobiles or find for uploading the posts ??

Dude I have lot of info about mobiles you can just imagine. I post here for people like you.  :)
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Mariya Abro

thats good :os have more advvnace i thnk this is gr8 news for blackberry users
ALLAH is always with me :)


yes it is great black berry 10 os and good features

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