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Apple and Samsung patent war in Netherlands

Started by Mobile Fun, November 30, 2012, 12:34:09 AM

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Mobile Fun

the patent war between Samsung and apple seems never-ending as the latest patent lawsuit has made apple won the claim against Samsung. The bounce back effect that appears in the end of scrolling in the gallery is needed to be replaced with the blue glow within the time limit of 8 weeks or else a fine of €100,000 will be charged per day.

Arslan Anjum

the patent war between Samsung and apple seems never-ending as the latest patent lawsuit has made apple won the claim against Samsung. The bounce back effect that appears in the end of scrolling in the gallery is needed to be replaced with the blue glow within the time limit of 8 weeks or else a fine of €100,000 will be charged per day.

The amount of fine is very huge. Samsung has already paid millions of dollars as fine due to similar cases against Apple. I hope the war will end soon!
Be respectful to others to be respectable.

Mariya Abro

yeah coz samsung has made same chip as it is iphone
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