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Announcement Of Google Event Next Week Unveiling Android's Update

Started by Mobile Fun, July 23, 2013, 10:17:23 PM

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Mobile Fun

Thursday, July 18, 2013- Next Wednesday, in the state of San Francisco, an occasion is scheduled which could turn out to be great event for Google. It is expected that Google will pop out a new-fangled Android update along with Nexus devices. The news is not revealed clearly as Google has already left much unspoken facts at the annual I/O conference held in the month of May. There are more chances that software giant Google will surpass the opportunity to allure the software developers in the next generation of its mobile OS and other related devices.

The rumors for the new version of Android are already in the market. Chances are that on July 24, at a breakfast event, the news will be declared. The breakfast event is to be presided over by Sundar Pichai, the current Android chief. The presence of Sundar Pichai is certain since he has taken over the designation of Andy Rubin, the previous Android chief; as Rubin has taken over some new projects. 

Till now, nothing is said to be certain about what will actually happen at the event because Sundar Pichai is also the VP of Chrome, so anything can be expected.

Apart from Android 4.3, the news is that the revived version of Nexus 7 will be publicized as one of those devices that are to be dispatched with Android 4.3 in installed form.

This breakfast event is associated with a number of rumors actually. TheMoto X custom smartphone, the new version of Chromebook is also expected to be in the market. Declarations of plans for several other new improvement strategies and developmental projects are some of the news that is also circulating in the public.   

The event will certainly be a big event for the platform of both Android and Chrome.

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