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Withdrawal Of Petition By The Cellular Network Companies On The Ban Of Night Packages



Friday, November 30, 2012-Late night mobile packages seem to be the menace for the society and a negative step taken by the mobile network companies that halts the progress of youth. The high court of Islamabad rejected the petition that was submitted by the cellular network companies that was against the banning of the late night chat and phone call services. It is done under the light of withdrawal of the petition by the submitters.

The counsel of the petitioners appeal for the withdrawal of the petition submitted by five major mobile cellular network companies including ufone, mobilink, warid, zong and telenor. The decision was taken after reviewing the answer submitted by the banning authority PTA Pakistan telecommunication authority that was comprised of communication evidence that contained immoral, indecent and obscene language used by the package holders of such companies.


The ban was implemented on 14 October by the Pakistan telecommunication authority after getting several complaints from the various sectors of the society. The banned packages include all the late night packages such as chat line, gup shup, talk shalk, dosti package and voice chat. Ahmer bilal sufi, the counsel of PTA mentioned in the court that PTA was receiving thousands of complains form parents, students, activists, media personalities and even from parliamentarians to look into the matter of high concern that is damaging for the future of younger generation. They are involving in unethical activities by using cheap late night packages that gives them the freedom of unlimited calling hours and unlimited texting. After detailed analysis of the situation, a ban was implemented that restricted the use of packages.

According to the PTA act section 3, the Pakistan telecommunication authority has all the powers and rights to check and regulate the cellular network companies’ affair and policies. The companies have the right to appeal in the court of law if they think PTA regulations are distressful.

Posted in PTA