As we all know that YouTube is banned in Pakistan since a long time ago due to blaspheming movie available on YouTube. It was banned on 27th of September 2012. Today just 30 minutes before Interior Minister Rehman Malik, tweeted on his Twitter account that YouTube ban will be lifted with in next 24 hours. He said that PTA is working on it and will be available in Pakistan soon and he hoped that all will be happy with this act.
ON his Twitter account he said:
I chaird a high level mting w/all stakeholders on the Utube.Gud job by PTA 2 block anti iIslamic material!Pl xpect Utube unblocked in 24hrs
There was a gr8 demand to unblock Utube from all sections of society esp fellow tweeps..expect the notification tday! Hope u r all happy now
and then:
PTA is finalizing negotations for acquiring a powerful firewall software to totally block pornographic and blasphemous material.