To save the humanity, Warid introduces an amazing SMS based service. No, it is not a calling package or SMS bundle package rather it is about donating blood. Yes, this is new SMS based Blood Bank service by Warid that allows blood searching very easy in your area. Now if someone is in need of blood, he/she don’t need to go door to door to ask for the blood and related blood group, he/she will be able to search the required blood group and donor just by using Warid’s Blood Bank service. Those who want to donate the blood have to register themselves with Warid and those who are in search of blood, can find the donor by using this service. Those who are in search of blood, when try to contact the donor, donor’s approval will be required before he get connected to the concerned person.
Here you can find the details provided on Warid’s website also:
- Donor sends BLOOD in an SMS to the short code 2525
- Upon receiving a list of all blood groups, donor replies with his / her blood group details
- Donor will be asked to enter the city dialing code. e.g. 042 for users in Lahore, 021 for Karachi, etc.
- Once the process is complete, a confirmation message will be sent to the user with the details of the registration
- Receiver sends FIND in an SMS to the short code 2525
- Upon receiving a list of all blood groups, receiver replies with his / her desired blood group type
- Receiver will be asked to enter the city dialing code e.g. 042 for users in Lahore, 021 for Karachi, etc.
- Upon receiving a list of donor IDs, receiver will reply with the required donor ID
- If the list is long, receiver can reply with M for more donor IDs
- Receiver`s request is sent to the donor, receiver gets the confirmation after donor`s acceptance.
Send HELP in an SMS to the short code 2525 for the help menu
20 paisas + tax / SMS